AWS Machine Learning Specialty

AWS Machine Learning Specialty: Know These Math Formulae Before Exam with Solved Numerical Questions!

Formulae Cheat Sheet to Prepare for Machine Learning Specialty Remember how to write Confusion Matrix Know how to write confusion matrix when Actual and Predicted are swapped Write down both versions of confusion matrix in a rough sheet provided as soon as you start exam Basic Formulae for Classification Precision, Recall and Specificity $$ Precision = Positive Prediction Value (PPV) = \frac{TP}{TP+FP} $$ $$ Recall = Sensitivity = True Positive Rate (TPR) = \frac{TP}{TP+FN} $$ $$ Specificity = True Negative Rate (TNR) = \frac{TN}{TN+FP} $$...

March 19, 2021 · 7 min · sudo-code
AWS Machine Learning Specialty

Activation functions: Softmax and Sigmoid Compared

What are activation functions ? Activation functions are the key to Neural Networks (NN). They are the recipe to learn non-linear relationships in data, without them NNs would just be linear in nature. If you know the basics of logistic regression, you’ll understand the statement I made. I am planning to write another blog to cover activation functions from basics, therefore the focus here is just to compare softmax and sigmoid activation functions....

March 12, 2021 · 2 min · sudo-code
AWS Machine Learning Specialty

How hyper-parameters impact model training? (with MLS-C01 focus)

What are hyperparameters ? In simple terms, hyperparameters are a set of knobs you can tune before starting the learning process in machine learning. When set to a specific values, the model has a specific performance. When the hyperparameters are set to new values, the model gets new performance values. What is performance of a model? In any machine learning process, we want to optimize the objective-function: a fancy name for a function that evaluates model predictions v/s values provided during training....

March 7, 2021 · 3 min · sudo-code
Image Segmentation

What is the difference between Semantic and Instance Segmentation in Machine Learning?

Courtesy: Wikimedia What is segmentation of image in machine learning? In the field of computer vision in machine learning, an image can be broken into segments by learning a mask for each segment. Image segmentation is used to locate object boundaries (lines, curves etc.) and assign a label to each pixel. For example, this is from opencv documentation (watershed algorithm) where boundaries of a set of coins are learnt: Original Image Semantic Segmentation Mask Learnt from Original Image Sudo Exam Tip: Remember to recall image segmentation as a technique when there is a mention of classification of objects in an image at pixel level....

March 7, 2021 · 2 min · sudo-code